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I grew up wanting to be an author but chronic illness had other plans. I was always a sick kid but in my teens and 20’s, I felt like I was dying. For years, I tried conventional and alternative medicine, working with some of the most prestigious doctors in the country and still coming up short on answers. So, I took my health into my own hands and read everything I could find about wellness, from diagnostic manuals to diet books.

In this process, with the help of some brainiac mentors, I started functioning again and fell in love with integrative medicine. I knew my life’s work was helping people heal. I wanted to change the way people felt in their bodies because I knew this would transform the way they showed up in the world, like it had for me.

It was not until I started working on a deeper level of healing, grief, that I realized storytelling and medicine, could co-exist. Both are about connecting people back to themselves to create healing. Grief had been a big part of my story: abuse was part of my childhood story, something I kept a secret, not even acknowledging it to myself, for 15 years. It was not long after it first started  that I began getting really sick. I carried my story in my body and it made me physically unwell. Sickness created more grief and grief impacted the way I showed up in the world. I moved through life reacting from pain instead of living my purpose from a place of confidence. Halfway through my twenties, I lost the person I thought was the love of my life; the dysfunctional ways I managed pain had no small part in that. With this loss, I knew I could not ignore grief anymore. It had to begin owning my story and working to create a new one. Just as I had done with my physical health, I started learning about what was happening within and how to make changes for health, so that I could be who I wanted to be and live the life I wanted to live.

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